Thursday, December 27, 2012

Customize Revit keyboard Shortcuts

Just as I like to customize my AutoCAD commands I like to customize my Revit shortcut commands also. This makes it easier for me to remember the commands by assigning my own abbreviations. If possible, I like to use one letter, because it is easy and fast when typing. If you need to customize your Revit keyboard shortcuts do the following:

  1. Select the Revit logo on the upper left side of the ribbon and go to Options on the bottom right side of the pop up drop menu.
    2. From the Options pop-up menu go to the User Interface tab and select Customize.
   3. Look for the command name you want to change either by scrolling down on the right side bar  or type it on the search space area.

  4. Click on the command name first then type the new shortcut name on  Press new Keys area and then hit the Assign button.
  5. To remove the old command select it and click the Remove button.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Creating HVAC zones

In the previous blog tutorials we talked about how to create MEP spaces. In this blog we will show you how to create HVAC zones. You will use the MEP spaces you have created earlier to generate HVAC zones. One of the purposes of zoning spaces in HVAC system is to provide controllability of the space condition.
To create HVAC zones follow the easy steps below:
  1. Go to the Analyze tab and select "Zone" and you will be prompted to add a space to the zone. Or you can select all the spaces and then select the "Zone" button. This way, the spaces will be automatically grouped to the same zone instead of adding them individually.

  2. Select the space or multiple spaces that you want to add to the zone.

To edit a zone that has already been created:

  1. Select the zone from the model view to activate the Modify HVAC Zones tab.
  2. Click the "Edit Zone" button to activate the zone creation ribbon.
  3. Add or remove spaces according to the zone.
  4. When you are finished select the "Finish Editing Zone" button.

  5. Physical and characteristic data for the specific zone can be modified by selecting the zone and go to its property menu in the left window.

 As we can see Creating HVAC zones is easy as 1, 2,3.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Creating Revit MEP Spaces

Spaces need to be created first in the project file in order to run any HVAC loads in Revit MEP, even if the architectural link you are using as the background has defined spaces created already. Spaces are defined by the same elements that define a room from your architectural linked model. Therefore, you want to make sure that your linked file is Room bounding.
To do that:
  1. Right click the linked file and select its "Properties".
  2. Select "Edit Type" and make sure "Room Bounding" is checked.
 You can create the spaces either manually or let Revit do it automatically for you. I like to create them manually. Using the automatic features saves time, but if you choose automatic make sure to check the spaces that were created and delete the unwanted ones. You can do that manually or delete them from the Space properties schedule. To do that highlight and right click on the space name and select delete to permanently remove it and any associated space tag.

To create MEP spaces follow these steps below:
  1. Under the "Analyze" tab select the "Space" button.
  2. Select inside the enclosed area where you want to create the MEP space.
  3. Double click the text to change the generic space name and number assigned by Revit.
You can also install the Space Naming utility tool from Autodesk to save a lot of time. This utility will rename all spaces according to your architectural link filed. It is really a great tool, especially if you are working on a big project.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Reconciling hosting

Using face-hosted families is a very convenient way to attach your your components to 3D faces within a linked file.The problem that we encounter with this strategy is when the host delete the families from his file. Then, you no longer have reference to your attached components. At times you will see your families floating in your model. In Revit MEP starting in 2011 you can now address that issue in the "Reconcile Hosting Palette".

There you can see a list of all the unreconciled items with the active one in green. You can sort them by linked files and then categories or by categories and then the linked files.

To edit any item you need to right click it and then either delete it or pick a new host for it. Just keep in mind that there is only one option for rehosting when you do it right from the dialogue box. You can only rehost on a vertical face. So if your item  needs to be hosted on a horizontal host you need to locate and select that item in the model view.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Creating a Section Box

Creating a section box is really simple than one might think. Below are the few steps to take:
  1.  Go to the 3D view of the model.
3D model rotated view
     2.   Right click and select the Properties for the view.
     3.   Under Extents tab check the Section box
section box check mark
     4.  Go toVisibility/Graphics under Annotation Categories make sure that Section boxes is  checked.
    section boxes annotation categories
      5.  Now you are able to drag the box around the model by selecting the little arrows from each corner of the view and adjust them to your desired view.

section box without grip before

section box with grip after