Shortcuts Oject Snaps Descriptions
- SI Intersections Snaps to intersections.
- SE Endpoint Snaps to endpoint of an element or component.
- SC Centers Snaps to the center of an arc.
- SO Snaps Off Disables all snap settings.
- SM Midpoints Snaps to to the midpoint of an element or component.
- SN Nearest Snaps to the neaerest element or component..
- SP Perpendicular Snaps to perpendicular elements or components.
- SQ Quadrants Snaps to quadrant points.
- ST Tangents Snaps tangent to arc.
- SW Work Plane Grid Snaps to a work plane grid.
- SX Points Snap to site points when editing points using the Move or Copy tool.
- Tab Key Cycle through snaps Cycles through the available snap options.
- Shift Key Force Horizontal and Vertical Force horizontal and vertical constraints.